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OBJECTIVE: What is the goal of painting the air station?
Pintar la cabina medidora.pptx
Link to English version: PAINTING polutants measurement cabin.pptx
In our School:
Most students come on foot,
a large number of the teaching staff and students come in public transport,
a large number of the teaching staff and students come by bike,
we have bike racks,
we have plants that clean CO2 (what we call "Clean Air Corners"),
we take care of the Rotxapea Air Quality Station,
we investigate the quality of air,
we collaborate and participate with citizen science for a healthy and sustainable mobility, improving urban air quality. LIFE+BREATHE Project

What is in the cabin that measures pollution? Click: LINK to Presentación de la estación de aire de Rotxapea.pptx
Link to ENGLISH version of the presentation
AFTERNOON: Gardens and school garden. Explanation of vertical gardens and rain gardens. Pollution measurement project through plants. LINK to Presentation Jardines de lluvia.pptx.
Link to the ENGLISH version
Visit to the Environmental Museum.

What actions can you think to clean the air you breathe?
Design a garden for your school.
Inquiry: Air Pollution in World
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